PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that, in accordance with Article 2, Section 202 of the New York State Eminent Domain Procedure Law (“EDPL”), notice is hereby given of a public hearing for public project PIN 8051.11, Installation of Shoulders Along Route 299, Towns of New Paltz and Gardiner, to be held on Tuesday, October 18, 2022 at 7:20 PM in the Legislative Chambers, Ulster County Office Building, 244 Fair Street, Kingston, New York, 12401 and/or via videoconference to the extent allowable pursuant to existing New York State legislation or order and the Rules of the Ulster County Legislature.
The purpose of this hearing is to inform the public and to review the public use to be served by the construction of the project in the Towns of New Paltz and Gardiner and the impact on the environment and residents of the locality where said project will be constructed. The project is located in the Towns of New Paltz and Gardiner, in Ulster County, New York. The project proposes to construct shoulder widening and reconstruction on Route 299 (County Route 7 and 8) from Libertyville Road to Route 44/55 in the Towns of New Paltz and Gardiner.
Persons may appear in person or by agent and will be given the opportunity to present oral or written statements and to submit other documents concerning PIN 8051.11, the Installation of Shoulders Along Route 299, Towns of New Paltz and Gardiner project.
The project will require public acquisition of property. This public hearing is being held to comply with the requirements of Sections 201 and 202 of the EDPL. Ulster County has been negotiating with the owners of the necessary parcels for their acquisition. However, the County must provide for the contingency that the properties in question may need to be acquired through Eminent Domain procedures in order to complete the project.
Any property owners who may subsequently wish to challenge the condemnation of their property by judicial review may do so only on the basis of issues, facts, and objections raised at the hearing.
Further information on the project may be obtained by contacting Andrew Emrich, Senior Engineer, Ulster County Department of Public Works, with offices at 317 Shamrock Lane, Kingston, New York 12401 or (845) 340-3125. Please advise this office no later than October 13, 2022 if a sign language interpreter, assistive listening system or any other accommodation will be required to facilitate your participation in the public hearing.
Dated: October 5, 2022 Victoria A. Fabella, Clerk
Kingston, New York Ulster County Legislature