Resolution No. 270

Appointing Members To The Recycling Oversight Committee

Resolution Information




Referred to: The Energy, Environment and Sustainability Committee (Chairman Hewitt and Legislators Donaldson, Greene, Litts, Nolan, Stewart, and Walls)


Chairman of the Energy, Environment and Sustainability Committee, Chris Hewitt, offers the following:


WHEREAS, Section 26 of Local Law Number 8 of 1991, The “Ulster County Mandatory Source Separation And Recycling Law,” created a Recycling Oversight Committee (ROC); and


WHEREAS, Section 26 of Local Law Number 8 of 1991, after subsequent amendments was codified into §304-31 of the Code of the County of Ulster; and


WHEREAS, pursuant to §304-31 of the Code of the County of Ulster, the ROC shall consist of one member of the Resource Recovery Agency designated by the Agency Board to serve as a non-voting, ex-officio member and not more than eleven (11) voting members to be appointed by the County Legislature, consisting of an appointee from the following:


(1) Town Supervisor’s Association;

(2) City of Kingston;

(3) Energy and Environment Committee of the Legislature;

(4) Ulster County Environmental Management Council;

(5) Commercial Waste Hauling Industry;

(6) Municipal Recycling Coordinators;

(7) Commercial or Institutional Sector;

(8) Multi Family Dwelling Interest; and


WHEREAS, further pursuant to §304-31, “Additionally the County Legislature shall appoint three (3) at-large community members with interest and concern which may include students but shall not include members that fall into previously mentioned categories;” and


WHEREAS, members of the ROC have been appointed pursuant to Resolution No. 382 of November 20, 2018, Resolution No. 94 of March 19, 2019, Resolution No. 173 of May 21, 2019, and Resolution No. 227 of June 16, 2020, Resolution No. 156 of June 15, 2021, Resolution No. 19 of February 15, 2022, Resolution No. 253 of June 21, 2022, ad Resolution No. 363 of June 13, 2023; and


WHEREAS, the membership of the Energy, Environment and Sustainability Standing Committee of the Legislature was altered in 2024, creating a vacancy on the Recycling Oversight Committee in the seat representing the Energy, Environment and Sustainability Committee; and



WHEREAS, the resignation of former Town of Rochester Supervisor Michael Baden has created a vacancy on the Recycling Oversight Committee in the seat representing the Town Supervisor’s Association; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Energy, Environment and Sustainability Committee, the following individual is hereby appointed to the Ulster County Recycling Oversight Committee to fill an unexpired term effective immediately and expiring in 2025:


Appointee representing the Energy, Environment and Sustainability- Manna Jo Greene


and, be it further


RESOLVED, upon recommendation of the Town Supervisor’s Association, the following individual is hereby appointed to the Ulster County Recycling Oversight Committee to fill an unexpired term effective immediately and expiring in 2025:


Appointee representing the Town Supervisor’s Association - Erin Enouen, Town of Rochester Supervisor


and, be it further


          RESOLVED, a vacancy has now been created on the Recycling Oversight Committee in the seat representing the Municipal Recycling Coordinators, as Erin Enouen previously held that position, and the following individual is hereby appointed to the Ulster County Recycling Oversight Committee to fill an unexpired term effective immediately and expiring in 2025:


Appointee representing Ulster County Municipal Recycling Coordinators – TBD


and moves its adoption.




AYES:                    NOES:      



Passed Committee: Energy, Environment and Sustainability on ________________.




Current Text: PDF



Updated: July 8, 2024