Resolution No. 599.1

Amending Resolution No. 553 Of 2022 To Clarify And Expand Requirements Of Public Notification Of Changes To Ulster County Area Transit Bus Routes And Schedules

Resolution Information

Resolution No. 599
Withdrawn by Sponsor



Referred to: The Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee (Chairwoman Petit and Legislators Erner, Fabiano, Litts, and Nolan), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Cahill, Roberts, Ronk, and Walter)


Legislator Phil Erner offers the following:


WHEREAS, Resolution No. 553 of 2022, adopted March 21, 2023, set a policy that any planned changes to UCAT bus routes, stop locations and schedules shall be publicly noticed and otherwise communicated by the Department’s usual methods of marketing, no less than 30 days in advance; and


WHEREAS, said policy also requires that any emergency changes shall be communicated as soon as is practicable; and


WHEREAS, it has become necessary to further clarify the above-mentioned policy to more effectively serve the population; and


WHEREAS, as part of the Art Education Program of the Kingston Midtown Arts District through the City of Kingston’s Look Lab project hosted by D.R.A.W., the Department of Regional Art Workers, students focused on the Kingston bus system to offer recommendations for enhancement; and


WHEREAS, said recommendations included more promotion and awareness as many residents remain unaware of the benefits of the bus system, and an app revamp, stating the current bus app, in its present form, could be more user-friendly and a redesigned version could have an intuitive map system that provides real-time bus tracking for users; and


WHEREAS, UCAT maintains and publishes information about its services in various forms; and


WHEREAS, these forms must all be utilized in consistent, correct and accessible fashion to UCAT riders and the workforce in order to be effective; and


WHEREAS, the above parties depend upon timely, accurate communication between each other and from Department administration; now, therefore be it


RESOLVED, that the policy adopted pursuant to Resolution No. 553 of 2022, adopted March 21, 2023, is hereby adopted to read as follows:


RESOLVED, that UCAT shall keep its routing and schedule information consistent, correct and accessible in all its published forms, including but not limited to: print schedules; bus stops and shelters; web site; social media including Facebook; UCAT App for Google Play, Apple and other Smart devices; and phone line message and other electronic forms; verifying such information every day during which UCAT services operate; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that UCAT shall provide communications in both English and Spanish, and other languages as required by any Ulster County language justice policy; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that any planned changes to UCAT bus routes, stop locations and schedules shall be publicly noticed and otherwise communicated by the Department’s usual methods of marketing, no less than 30 days in advance; and, be it further


RESOLVED, that any emergency changes shall be communicated as soon as is practicable; and be it further


RESOLVED, that UCAT, in addition to its Title VI complaint form and customer satisfaction survey, shall conduct monthly surveys specifically about its communications practices,


and move its adoption.





AYES:                       NOES:    



Passed Committee: Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation on __________.


Passed Committee: Ways and Means on __________.





Current Text: PDF



Updated: November 17, 2023

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
