Resolution Information
Referred to: The American Rescue Plan Act Special Committee (Chairman Criswell and Legislators Corcoran, Levine, Lopez, and Sperry), The Public Works, Capital Projects and Transportation Committee (Chairwoman Petit and Legislators Fabiano, Litts, Nolan, and Stewart), and The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gavaris and Legislators Cahill, Fabiano, Ronk, and Walter)
Legislators Joe Maloney, Laura Petit and Eric Stewart offer the following:
WHEREAS, the United States Department of Treasury has notified Ulster County that funding for the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) is available in the amount of $34,491,474.00; and
WHEREAS, the purpose of the ARPA is to support urgent COVID-19 response efforts to continue to decrease spread of the virus and bring the pandemic under control; and
WHEREAS, the ARPA further seeks to replace lost public sector revenue to strengthen support for vital public services and help retain jobs; and
WHEREAS, the ARPA seeks to address systemic public health and economic challenges that have contributed to the unequal impact of the pandemic; and
WHEREAS, to date, over $30 million has been approved in various expenditures ranging from creation of administrative positions within government to committing funding to implement the Ulster County respite house and crisis stabilization center policies; and
WHEREAS, in allocating the ARPA funding, the Ulster County Legislature intends to make fair investments that result in positive, long-term benefits for as many Ulster County communities as possible; and
WHEREAS, government has a responsibility to ensure that all people can enjoy their basic human right to quality, available, acceptable, accessible, and affordable water; and
WHEREAS, the Final Rule released by Treasury on January 6, 2022, allows the County to make investments in water infrastructure under section 602(c)(1)(d) and 603(c)(1)(d), which can include lead service, line replacement, and other activities to identify and remediate lead in water; and
WHEREAS, water and sewer infrastructure investments would stimulate the economy, attract businesses, and allow for tourist movement by facilitating conditions that are more conducive to business activity and tourism; and
WHEREAS, the completion of water infrastructure for certain drinking water projects may support population growth; and
WHEREAS, such water and sewer infrastructure projects are unlikely to be made using private sources of funds; and
WHEREAS, in furtherance of ensuring the basic human right to water, Ulster County established a program to partner with municipalities to match up to $50,000.00 per water or sewer infrastructure project; and
WHEREAS, the program was so successful that it is necessary to amend Capital Project No. 604 so additional municipalities may obtain improved access to clean drinking water, improved wastewater and/or stormwater and sewer infrastructure systems; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Charter Section C-11, the funding for the capital projects proposed herein shall require subsequent Legislative approval; and
WHEREAS, a second round of funding shall be made available to municipalities that were not funded in the first round; now, therefore be it
RESOLVED, that Capital Project No. 604 be amended as follows:
HH.8097.0604.4300.4505 Fees for Professional Services $1,000,000.00
(App. #)
HH.8097.0604.3400.4097 Federal Aid $1,000,000.00 (Rev. #)
and, be it further
RESOLVED, that funding of the Capital Projects established by this Resolution, and any contracts in excess of $50,000 or contract amendments which cause such contracts to exceed the aggregate sum of $50,000, made in connection with such Capital Projects, shall be subject to the further approval of the Ulster County Legislature, and, be it further
RESOLVED, that any criteria developed for project selection in furtherance of this program shall be reviewed with the American Rescue Plan Act Special Committee and the Public Works and Capital Projects Committee prior to any project being approved for participation in this program,
and move its adoption.
Passed Committee: American Rescue Plan Act on _____________.
Passed Committee: Public Works and Capital Projects on _____________.
Passed Committee: Ways and Means on _____________.
Current Text: PDF
Updated: March 23, 2023
Votes on this Resolution
yes no abstained no vote...