Resolution No. 152.1

Re-Establishing The Ulster County Railroad Advisory Committee - Ulster County Legislature

Resolution Information

Resolution No. 152
Withdrawn by Sponsor



Referred to: The Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning and Transit

Committee (Chairman James Maloney and Legislators Archer, Delaune, Litts, Maio,

Rodriguez, and Woltman)

Legislator David B. Donaldson offers the following:


WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 70 of 1985, the Railroad Advisory

Committee was established; and

WHEREAS, Resolution No. 127, dated May 18, 2010, adopted 25 years later,

confirmed the continued intent of the Ulster County Legislature to encourage the

development of the County owned railroad; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Resolution No. 488 of 2015, the Ulster County

Legislature amended the “rail with trail” policy to include an increased available

railroad segment in the segment from the east end of Kingston Plaza to MP 8.33, to

increase the potential for possible future tourism theme trains; and

WHEREAS, from Route 28A in Boiceville to Bridge Street in Phoenicia is

designated as railroad segment with a co-located trail where it is found to be feasible;



WHEREAS, the segment between MP 8.33 and Basin Road still requires

further investigation; and

WHEREAS, the U&D TRAC (Trail Rail Advisory Committee) was

established via Resolution No. 184 of April 19, 2016, for the general oversight of the

development of the U&D Corridor as a whole; and


WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature recently reestablished the Trails

Advisory Committee but currently lacks equal rail representation or advisement on

rail-only matters; and

WHEREAS, popular theme trains and annual events such as the Polar Express

have generated various economic benefits to Ulster County, and have tremendous

potential for growth; now, therefore be it 


RESOLVED, that the Ulster County Legislature hereby reestablishes the

Ulster County Railroad Advisory Committee for the purpose of continuing the ongoing efforts of previous railroad advisory committees, and to explore means in

which the railroad could be utilized to enhance economic development in Ulster

County; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that the Railroad Advisory Committee shall be comprised of

seven members, 4 Legislators and 3 citizens; 2 Ulster County Legislators and 2

citizens shall be appointed by the Majority Leader, and 2 Ulster County Legislators

and 1 citizen shall be appointed by the Minority Leader, with input from respective

caucuses being considered, for a term commencing immediately through December

31, 2019, or until new members are appointed and or re-appointed; and be it further

RESOLVED, representatives from the Ulster County government and the

community are invited to attend all meetings of the Ulster County Railroad Advisory

Committee, and may be asked from time to time to participate and advise the

Railroad Advisory Committee, and, be it further

RESOLVED, the Ulster County Railroad Advisory Committee will update

and report to the Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning, and Transit

Committee as to its findings, conclusions and recommendations on an annual basis,

and move its adoption.



Defeated in Committee: Economic Development, Tourism, Housing, Planning, and

Transit on April 3, 2018

Petition to Discharge successfully executed.

Postponed at Session on April 17, 2018



Current Text: PDF


Updated: February 1, 2019

Votes on this Resolution

yes no abstained no vote
