10. Resolution No. 322

Requiring The Payment Of A Living Wage To Employees Employed By The County Of Ulster That Work A Minimum of Seventeen Hours Per Calendar Week Or Thirty-Four Hours Per Pay Period

Resolution Information

Defeated in Committee



Referred to: The Ways and Means Committee (Chairman Gerentine and Legislators

Allen, Belfiglio, Briggs, Gregorius, Maio, Maloney, and Richard Parete)

Legislator John Parete offers the following:

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section C-11 of the Ulster County Charter and

Section A2-5(A) of the Ulster County Administrative Code, the Ulster County

Legislature “shall be the legislative, appropriating and policy-determining body of

the County and, as such, shall have and exercise all powers and duties now or

hereafter conferred upon it by applicable law and any powers necessarily implied or

incidental thereto”; and

WHEREAS, pursuant to Section C-11(h) of the Ulster County Charter and

Section A2-5(A)(8) of the Ulster County Administrative Code, the Ulster County

Legislature is empowered “to fix the compensation of all officers and employees paid

from County funds or, for employees not covered by a collective bargaining

agreement, to establish salary ranges within which the appointing authority shall have

discretion to set the actual salary within the range”; and

WHEREAS, for purposes of this Resolution, the word “employee” shall refer

to any individual employed or permitted to work by the County of Ulster with an

employment status of provisional, permanent, temporary, or contingent permanent,

and paid by County funds pursuant to a written contract of employment and/or

collective bargaining agreement; and

WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature hereby determines that it is

appropriate and necessary for employees employed by the County of Ulster that work

a minimum of seventeen (17) hours per calendar week, or thirty-four (34) hours per

two-week pay period, to receive a living wage; and

WHEREAS, the Ulster County Legislature further determines that a living

wage for employees of the County of Ulster that work at minimum of seventeen (17)

hours per calendar week, or thirty-four (34) hours per two-week pay period, is in an

amount no less than fifteen ($15.00) dollars per hour worked, in addition to

retirement, health or other benefits received by a County employee, if any; now,

therefore, be it


RESOLVED, that beginning January 1, 2016, compensation for employees

employed by the County of Ulster with an employment status of provisional,

permanent, temporary, or contingent permanent, who work a minimum of seventeen

(17) hours per calendar week, or thirty-four (34) hours per two week pay period, and

are paid by County funds, shall be set in an amount no less than fifteen ($15.00)

dollars per hour worked, in addition to retirement, health or other benefits received

by a County employee, if any; and, be it further

RESOLVED, that no provision of this Resolution shall supplant or contradict

the terms of existing collective bargaining agreement(s), or other employment

contracts, by and between the County of Ulster, employee organizations and/or

individual employees currently employed by the County of Ulster,

and moves its adoption.




Postponed in Committee: Ways and Means on August 12, 2015

Defeated in Ways & Means Committee on September 9, 2015

Petition to Discharge not executed.



Current Text: PDF


Updated: October 9, 2020